About Me,

Since my Sophomore year in HighSchool, I knew God was calling me to something bigger than my own ideas or plans. Little did I know, he would lead me into ministry after graduating College.

In the Fall of 2020, my graduating year of college from CWU in Ellensburg WA, I had the opportunity to intern with Resonate Church to help further Church Planting on college campuses in the Pacific Northwest.

In Spring 2021, I graduated college and began my full time career with Resonate Church in a key operations & technology role in our central support team. Within this time, I have had the opportunity to equip and support over 100 on the ground missionaries and I have been able to equip and help send out 5 church plants across the Pacific Northwest and the South West.

Fast forward to 2023, I got to invite my best friend to partner with me in my calling, Ariel. In June 2023 we got married! Ariel is the biggest blessing to me, and I am so grateful to call her mine.

At the end of 2023 and going into 2024 I had the opportunity to become the lead Human Resources Manager at Resonate Church Network. This role is vital to make this ministry happen. In this role I get to serve over 120 full time & part time missionaries and central team members Resonate employs to make this thing happen.

I know that my story in ministry doesn’t end here! To stay up to date with whats going on, subscribe to my newsletter!

About Resonate Church

Amongst the rolling hills of the Palouse, God was moving in the hearts of college students at Washington State University. A gathering of 5 people grew to 50. The ask presented at the end of each sounded like this; “If what we’re talking about resonates with you, please stick around”. As time went on and more and more students were beginning to experience Jesus, community began to grow and has ever since.

God has moved in the hearts of students to join the mission that God has for Resonate Church; be disciples who make disciples in order to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth. From one site at WSU in 2007 to now 12 different sites across the Pacific Northwest and Canada, God has moved and worked in the hearts of families and students to grow closer to him and live for His mission.

Checkout Resonate Church’s Website at resonate.net

Connecting the Gospel to People, People to Community, and Community to Mission.

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Thank you for reading.

God bless you,
Simon Allerton

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